Thursday, May 3, 2012

psychic warfare experiments and book

psychic warfare experiments and book.
I know what you're thinking.

"Jack, psychic powers?   Really?   You've finally lost your mind!"
No, I haven't... let me explain.

Since around 2000/2001 the "seduction community" has been inundated with all sorts of "psychic seduction" products and ideas.   Perhaps you've tried some of them, but I hope not, because most of them are misleading, and at worst... an outright rip-off!

I first discovered how your frame of mind can effect the outcome of any interaction by mistake.
Using what I considered at the time to be "ridiculous" mental images helped immensely and at times the woman I was thinking about would approach and/or contact me!

Believe it or not, but I almost never have to approach women any more.   Years of internalizing seduction methods - and these crucial "psychic" exercises - are all I need.

And don't worry... when I say "exercises" I'm talking about simple mental exercises, not placing a circle of candles around yourself and chanting nonsense!   As a matter of fact...

Chances Are You've "Accidentally" Used At Least Some Of These Methods Before!
You know what deja vu is, right?   It's the experience of feeling sure that you have already witnessed or experienced a current situation.   Everyone has experienced it.

Or the time you were thinking of calling a friend, then the phone rang and it was them?
I remember watching a football game with a friend as a teenager.   One team was up by 28 points, but my friend said: "they'll come back."

The team up by 28 points had the ball... and he said "here comes the fumble."   And the running back fumbled the ball!

He kept calling plays and predicting what would happen, and he was right every single time.   The team losing by 28 points came back and won by 3.

It's as if he tuned in to the right frequencies and knew what was going to happen.
Now, with the methods described in The Lucifer Complex, you too can "tune in" to these frequencies - and even send your own messages through them.

Open The Doors Of Your Mind And Discover:

  • How to broadcast silent commands that must be obeyed

  • How to create your own "Hidden Brotherhood" and explode your psychic success
  • Use these methods to hypnotize anyone in 10 seconds flat!
  • How to avoid jealous or angry thought-vibrations - do this and women will flock to you
  • The secret of the "Silent Mind" - master this and you can do anything you want
  • Consistently "take over" any interaction with SIMPLE and REPEATABLE strategies
  • How the "Invisible Masters" Influence Our Lives
  • How several people were driven to suicide - just by the power of a "curse"
  • The Human Television Screen - and how to tune into it with your "human antenna"
  • How to create powerful thought currents that improve your concentration 
I Was Skeptical As Well, Until I Consulted The Opinions Of Experts.   Here's What They Had To Say...

God Helmet Creator Finds Evidence of Telepathy in Lab

“God Helmet” Inventor, Dr. Michael Persinger Discovers Telepathy Link in Lab Experiments
In the 1980’s Persinger made headlines with his “God Helmet”, a device that stimulates temporal lobes with a weak magnetic field in order to produce religious states.

Now, Persinger has discovered the same type of brain stimulation can create metal states conducive to human telepathy. "What we have found is that if you place two different people at a distance and put a circular magnetic field around both, and you make sure they are connected to the same computer so they get the same stimulation, then if you flash a light in one person’s eye the person in the other room receiving just the magnetic field will show changes in their brain as if they saw the flash of light."
Millions Of People Possess These Gifts... But Few Ever Discover:

  • The Mental Earphone - how to hear the thoughts of others
  • Little-known secrets to bring out your natural "Psychic Powerhouse"
  • The omens in our dreams and what they're trying to tell us
  • "Victims-Technology" explained - how mastering these skills will let you build your own cult
  • A free software program that can produce some amazing tele-hypnosis results
  • What to do when you sense you are under "psychic attack"
  • Why you must NEVER let anyone know what you're doing
  • How to bring to life anything you can conceive mentally
  • "Malicious Animal Magnetism" explained
  • Tele-Image Transmitter: how to use image-forms to turn your dreams into reality!  

Download  psychic warfare experiments and book, Now

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