Thursday, May 3, 2012

How to discover your innate talents, gifts, and abilities Using Astrology

Learn about the unique individual that is Astrological Consultation can help you:

    Understand your life's potential

    Discover your innate talents, gifts, and abilities

    Develop your life goals and career skills

    Overcome personality challenges that prevent you from attracting and developing the life you desire

    Explore the way you interact with others and how you develop relationships

    Get to know yourself, your values, & your desires on a very conscious level

    Stop reacting to life situations out of fear

    Gain control of your own destiny and develop that certain divine light that is uniquely you

    Develop Self-esteem and learn to love yourself fully

Personal,  Confidential, 100% Private Astrological Consulting & Written Readings

Natal Chart Readings; Life Progressions, Patterns, & Changes; Turning Points; Career development; Travel; Finances; Spirituality; Karmic Soul Readings; Develop your creativity; Planetary Cycles; Crisis & Opportunity; support and spiritual counseling after the loss of a loved one; Overcome obstacles; Free yourself to be YOU!

I do not use astro-speak when working with my clients...just plain, straightforward English. However, if you are an astrologer or know astrology (and many of my clients do!), I am happy to work together in astr0-speak. Just let me know when we meet :)

I work Internationally and am very flexible regarding scheduling as well as respectful of cultural differences and beliefs.

Approximately 1 hour with free email follow-up

Our initial work together will explore your birth chart and personality as well as your current life situation.  We will also take a glimpse to see what lies ahead in the near future and discuss any specific issues you are concerned about. If you have had a previous natal reading elsewhere and really want to focus on what's happening now, let me know when I confirm via email. The fee remains the same as I will need to study your chart and personality in-depth prior to meeting even if we do not discuss your nativity. Returning clients please order an 'update' session (below).

Online consulting is live, one on one in complete privacy and enables you to save a written copy for future reference. The initial consultation is required before  entering into an ongoing astrological support & coaching  relationship. I schedule within 3 days - 1 week after payment.

Updates, Ongoing support, & Astro-Life Coaching

As the planetary energies are always in flux, there will be times in life where you may need to explore your changing life circumstances in-depth and have someone to help guide you objectively or offer advice during times of confusion.  This is especially true when you must deal with several life changing experiences all at once.  Astrology is the perfect tool for deeper understanding of what is happening, what to expect, and to answer the questions - when is it going to settle down or end? How can I make the most of the opportunities before me? What is the lesson and spiritual intent of a specific experience? Career guidance, family challenges, timing for upcoming events, prediction work... Initial Consultation or written Natal Reading is required prior to ordering. I schedule within 3 days - 1 week after payment.

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