Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How to Increase Their Job Security, Employability And Level Of Satisfaction With Their Work

Are you stuck in your career? Don’t you wish there could be something more?

You don't have to struggle any more. It's time to thrive!
Economic downturns are terrible things. They absolutely kill career momentum. You’re forced to stay in your current position, with your wages frozen. You’re doing the work of two or three people. Morale sucks. Your boss seems to be indifferent. Uncertainty abounds. You can’t stop thinking about what might happen:

  • Will your company survive the rough waters of the recession? What if it goes out of business or gets sold?
  • What if they downsize again? Will I survive?  I can’t afford to lose my job!
  • How am I really doing? Is my performance and skillset where it needs to be? Or am I becoming a liability to my department and my team?
Recently, I got frustrated by the unemployment, under-employment and general malaise all around me. Friends and family members have suffered greatly during this prolonged downturn, and that bothered me – a lot.

As I reflected on their plight, I soon realized that there is always small group of conscientious objectors who decide that they won’t participate in any recession. They seem to make forward progress in their careers, regardless of the prevailing economic conditions.

So I spent quite a few hours brainstorming about and researching what their secret is.

The antidote to recessionary thinking

I soon realized that the antidote to recessionary thinking it to creatively look for ways to add value to your work – to differentiate yourself and become indispensable. More employers today are looking for the people who work for them – YOU – to contribute ideas and solutions to help the organization get out of the doldrums and back on a solid growth path.

So I wrote Up Your Impact: 52 Innovative Ways to Add Value to Your Work, to let readers know that there IS a better way. I’ve discovered that adopting a value-added mindset is the antidote to fear and uncertainty.

Instead of being disadvantaged by tough times, you can actually turn them to your advantage.
But it takes a special mindset to make this happen, one that is focused on growth, possibility and a creative, generative spirit that is focused on learning more, creating more and contributing more.

Although the tools and technologies we utilize to get work done have changed dramatically, the principles of success haven’t changed. Success has always been about three things:
  • Contribution and service, about doing more than you’re paid to do, and outgrowing your current position and circumstances.
  • Having a system for creative problem solving and noticing new opportunities, which aren’t usually obvious, but they are all around us.
  • Caring enough to bring your very best efforts to the people whom it is your privilege to serve.
What’s in Up Your Impact?

Strategies: This 170-page e-book presents 52 strategies for adding exceptional value to your employer and your customers or clients, presented in a clear, concise and actionable writing style. These strategies are eminently practical, and will help you to “move the needle” in your work. 

Action steps: Each strategy is followed by one or two action steps, to help you to implement it immediately. No theoretical mumbo-jumbo here – just strategies and insights you can use – now – to improve your work!
Resources: A comprehensive list of books, websites and tools that you can use to further your learning on how to add value to your work.

Plus: A wealth of insights from business experts

For this launch package, I interviewed 5 business experts to learn what’s changing in business today, why it’s important to add value to your work – and their preferred strategies for doing so. Their insights were amazing! At the end of each interview, I found myself going, “Wow! That was phenomenal!” These people shared some incredible insights. I learned a lot from them, and I know you will, too.

Here’s who I interviewed:
  • Wally Bock, leadership expert and highly-respected blogger
  • Jason Womack, work productivity expert and author of Your Best Just Got Better
  • Roger von Oech, author of several best-selling creativity books and ideation tools
  • Phil Gerbyshack, social media and professional networking guru
  • Rajesh Setty, entrepreneur, author and relentless idea guy
You’ll also receive full transcripts of each interview.
More interviews are on the way. I plan to conduct more interviews in the next several months; if you purchase the Up Your Impact launch package, you’ll get free access to them, too!



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