Tuesday, April 10, 2012

weight loss workout routine for men and women

weight loss workout routine for men and women.  I get it…You’re tired of the weight loss game and you’re done wasting your time spending hours in the gym working out!

You’re fed up with seeing your weight yo-yo up and down, and jumping from one “fad” diet to another…with nothing more to show than frustration and a sense of despair. 

But most importantly, you’re tired of not feeling good about yourself because of the way you look and feel. You know you that the REAL you is somewhere inside but you just don’t know how to bring it out! You can’t get out of your rut.

But, thankfully, that’s all about to change. Just keep reading and I’ll show you how.

Before we get to that though, wouldn’t you agree that you’ve had a tough time losing weight and improving your fitness because, amongst other things, you have had no one to motivate, coach, and push you through your workouts? 

And maybe, just maybe… you’ve struggled because you haven’t worked out consistently or because you’ve been doing the same boring workouts over and over that have done nothing other than lead to a big fat plateau, making it even tougher for you to lose weight?

Am I close?

Well, if so, then I’m about to make you a very happy (and fit) person - finally!

My name is Yuri Elkaim and over the past 12 years I’ve helped thousands of people just like you lose weight fast and get in the best shape of their life!
Believe me, I know what you’re going through. You’re not alone. In fact, as unique as you are, there are millions of people all around the world that are in the same boat as you.
What boat is that?

I’m talking about people who want to lose weight and get fit but can’t seem to do so. 

Just like them, you haven’t lost weight and skyrocketed your fitness for one (or more) of the following reasons:

You don't have enough time to workout
You lack the motivation to workout
It's too expensive to hire a trainer
You don't know how to workout properly
You repeat the same workout(s) over and over again
You haven't seen results – your clothes still don’t fit and the scale hasn’t budged – and thus you've given up
You are not consistent with your workouts,
You feel intimated by or don’t feel like wasting hours in a sweat-filled gym surrounded by “meatheads” who are hogging all the equipment and grunting every time they lift a weight.

Are You Finally Ready to Get Fit, Lose Weight, and Turn Your Body Into a Perpetual Fat Burning Machine?

Well, if so, I want to help you! Remember how we talked about the fact that you need a coach or fitness trainer to put you through your workouts?

Well, if you think about it, every successful person in the world has or has had a coach to get them to the top. No one can do it alone.

Think about all the great athletes – Wayne Gretzky, David Beckham, Roger Federer, Tiger Woods (aside: he could have used a coach when it came to women), Lebron James, and many others.

The one thing they all have in common is that they had a coach to get them to the top. Both Gretzky and Beckham were coached by their fathers for most of their youth. They were instilled not with only the physical skills needed for their sport but the mental attitude for success as well.

The same thing goes for business CEOs, entrepreneurs, and everyday people all around the world who have overcome incredible obstacles to achieve their dreams. For many that dream was losing weight and transforming their bodies into fitness machines.

Even for me, as a former pro soccer player, my performance (and subsequent) didn’t take off until I was coached properly by the right people. Now, even in my business life, the same thing applies.
You see, being overweight is just a symptom. It’s a goal like any other that requires you to have a coach who can show you the way. Someone who can give you the road map to your weight loss destination. And someone who can encourage you, build you up, and instill the rights beliefs into your head so that no one (including yourself) can you hold you back from your destiny!!!

However, I also mentioned earlier that I no longer work 1-on-1 anymore. I just don’t have time. I have too many people to help.

But there is good news. I can still be your fitness coach. And show you how in just a moment. But before I do, let me tell you about 4 BIG OBSTACLES that have been holding you hostage the body of your dreams...

4 Massive Obstacles That Have Literally Crippled Your Chances of Getting Fit and Lean - Until Now!

The Problem: Most People Believe That Low-Intensity Cardio is the Key to Losing Weight. Where did this come from? ...   I’ll tell you…

From those damn cardio machine charts that show your “fat burning zone” and “cardio zone”. They basically tell you that to burn fat you must exercise at a low intensity.

It’s amazing how much damage one simple graph can cause to an entire population. This problem is compounded by so-called weight loss experts who preach the same thing. 

Don’t get me wrong, doing low intensity cardio will help you lose a little bit of weight but only if you have 2-3 hours each day to workout. Plus, at that point, you begin to breakdown your precious muscle. Sounds like a waste of time to me.

The Solution: Higher Intensity Cardio – aka. Interval Training

Here’s Another Problem: Someone Told You to Lift Light Weights For 15-20 Reps if You Want to Be Toned, Right?

Just look at all the aerobics and body pump classes in most gyms nowadays. These classes make me cringe because they are wasting peoples’ time. Doing 50 repetitions of squats with 10-pound weights! That’s a surefire way to detrain your body!

Sure these classes are better than sitting on the couch, but there is a better and more time efficient way to lose weight and sculpt a fit and toned body.

The Solution: Full Body "Strength" Circuit Training

Yet Another Problem:  You have probably heard this one before, right? And it’s absolutely true. The problem though is that most people still don’t do anything about it. They continue to do the same workout routines over and over again. I’ve even redesigned programs for clients who were doing the exact workout 5 times per week for 3 months! That’s crazy. If you’re doing this too, then you’re missing out on real results. In fact, your body is probably already at a plateau and you’re probably finding it real tough to lose any more weight.

The Solution: Keep Your Muscles Guessing

The Biggest Problem: You Will Never Push Yourself Enough on Your Own

This is by far the biggest problem holding people back from their fitness goals. You see, it’s very easy to give up when the going gets tough. For instance, think of your last workout… When your muscles were burning and all you wanted to was stop, did you? If you’re like 99% of the population you probably did. And that’s ok. That’s just the way it is. 

And that’s why you need a coach to push you that extra little bit. Because it’s when you push yourself out of your comfort zone that true breakthroughs occur. Imagine having an encouraging voice that urges you to give just one more rep or to keep going for 10 more seconds. That’s the difference right there!

The Solution: Look Outside Yourself for Motivation, Accountability, and the Extra Push

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