Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Secret to pitbull puppy training

Secret to pitbull puppy training.

Dear Pitbull Dog Owner,

Are you having problems with your pitbull?
Are you tired of aimlessly looking for pitbull training information but not seeing the results?
Do you want to finally put a stop to your pitbull's disobedience and make your puppy happy, healthy, and obedient?

Pitbulls develop habits and learn things quickly while they're small. Many owners allow and encourage their pitbull's bad behavior without even realizing it. You might think it's cute when your little pup jumps up when greeting you, but in fact, he could be asserting dominance over you while you praise him back for it!

Many owners ignore these warning signs and later on end up with a disobedient, destructive, and very dominant dog.

Don't let that be you!

I strongly urge you to please keep reading as I'm about to reveal to you the most effective proven training methods to finally end your pitbull's behavior problems with an easy step-by-step guide to create that blissful relationship every owner needs.

I was having some serious problems with my puppy when I first adopted my 12 week old pitbull. Not only was housebreaking a nightmare but he was also an incredibly persistent biter and chewer. In just 5 months after adopting "Slick" he:

Peed and pooped all over the floor
Chewed through 7 pairs of shoes that looked something like the face of the moon
Bit my hands too hard and ripped through my clothes
Constantly pulled on the leash during walks while scaring away local kids
Barked non-stop when I left the house which made my neughbors VERY unhappy
Refused to listen to me and ignored any commands that he previously learned
Dug up my entire garden destroying my favorite flowers
Chased around neighbor's cats and small animals

I Was Secretly Allowing My Pitbull's Bad Behavior Without Even Knowing It!

This is any pitbull's definition of "having a blast". A pair of shoes and 1 hour is all your needs for the time of their life. I took my to doggy training classes and although the behavior significantly improved, it wasn't even a week later when Slick was back at his old routine of ignoring my commands and doing whatever he wants - it's as if he WANTED to disobey me!

I hired 7 different dog trainers, and although the behavior improved, he only seemed to obey when the dog trainer was around! I was losing hope.

Secret thoughts crossed my mind... "Maybe I shouldn't have gotten him in the first place. Maybe I should just get rid of him."

But I couldn't do that to Slick. Not Slick. I loved him to death.

I decided to take matters to my own hands. I went out to the library and picked up every training book that I could find. I even had to borrow my friend's library card because mine was maxed out.

I studied each book religiously and applied those methods to my pitbull - and guess what, none of the methods worked for Slick!

I spent many nights wearily searching the web for any bit of information that could help me - but I was just wasting my time.

One fresh morning after a long night of research I looked at my books and stumbled upon a startling realization:

They Were All Dog Training Books...
Not PITBULL Training Books!

At that moment it was like everything became clear to me: I was using the wrong training methods all along!

Pitbulls have a distingtive personality and genetic makeup that's unlike any other breed's. So it's no wonder "regular" training methods didn't work for my pitbull!

I went back to the library and returned all the books I borrowed and decided to study specifically the pitbull breed. I went out and bought 17 pitbull books, contacted over a dozen vets and breeders specializing specifically in pitbulls.

After 2 weeks of non-stop research I decided to put my knowledge to the test. After doing so, the results were astonishing! It was as if Slick was understanding every word I was telling him!

After sharing this information with a friend of mine she was very surprised to see amazing results and recommended that I compile my findings into a book!

That's when "Pitbull 101: Training Guide" was born - the ultimate guide that shows you how to quickly and easily train your pitbull without using punishment and without ever touching your .

Pitbull 101: Training Guide is the first and last training guide that you'll ever need. Like magic, you'll learn how to deal with the TOUGHEST pitbull training issues including:


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