Health education course study online. We believe… the body was designed to heal.
So why does the world’s most advanced country have such poor health?
The U.S. is #1 in heart disease rates.
The U.S. is #1 in cancer rates.
The U.S. is #1 in diabetes rates.
We are #40 in childhood health.
Our kids are developing ADD faster than anywhere else.
We are developing allergies faster than any other country.
We believe… it’s time to focus on real healing and prevention, not just managing symptoms once they happen.
Healing is possible… and it’s surprisingly simple!
We believe… disease resolution and prevention are better than disease management.
Science has proven, and people all over America have experienced, that:
Chronic disease can be reversed.
Most medications can be reduced or eliminated.
Pain can be eliminated through lifestyle and therapy.
Disease is, in the vast majority of cases, not caused by genetics.
The body and its cells have amazing regenerative abilities.
Our immune health and ability to fight disease is directly determined by how we live our lives.
Prevention and reversal are the only real solutions.
Prevention — Always the Best Medicine
Over 90% of disease in our bodies is classified as preventable.
All of the top causes of death in the U.S. are classified as preventable:
Heart disease
Chronic respiratory disease
Influenza and pneumonia
Nephritis and nephrosis
Alzheimer’s disease
Source: World Health Organization
Most preventable disease is developed over years of challenges to the body through lifestyle.
The key to prevention is to learn how to live today before our daily behaviors and choices cause us disease tomorrow.
Resolution — Your Body Can Heal!
- The top symptoms in the U.S. have been proven to be able to be resolved.
- People being “managed” with medications can, through lifestyle, eliminate their dependency on drugs and truly resolve their health problems and restore their health.
- Disease management may have a place in health care, but it should never be the first choice, primary focus or the only option.
- The world’s top physicians and scientists in the natural health community have stated that, “we are our own best healers” and that, “the body has an innate ability to heal itself.” What do they know that we don’t?
What is Healthy for Life University?
Healthy for Life University is a foundational, complete lifestyle and health education course. Healthy for Life University is specifically designed to help you develop a step-by-step lifestyle plan to accomplish everything you want in your health. This course will help everyone, no matter where you are in your health, to reduce your dependency on medications and take control of your health.
This course has 12 lessons that are designed to be completed over a 12-week period. The lessons are available to listen to or watch online, or download to your iPod!
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