Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cancer treatment naturally

Cancer treatment naturally.

In 2005, I was diagnosed with Terminal Stage 4 Melanoma Cancer. The doctors gave me 12 months to live. I refused to give up, and in 3 months I manage to cure my cancer naturally, with no chemo, no radiation and no surgery. 7 years later, I am alive and kicking and still 100% cancer free!

Have you recently been diagnosed with cancer and been told to ‘go home and get your affairs in order’?

What if I told you there was hope?  What if I told you that you could heal your cancer naturally?

Story of a Cancer Survivor

My name is Kristine Matheson. I’m the author of “Cancer to Wellness: The Forgotten Secrets”.  I was diagnosed with terminal melanoma cancer in 2005. The doctor gave me 12 months to live and told me to get my affairs in order. I decided I wasn’t going to go down the conventional path of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Call me stubborn, but I didn’t believe in what the doctor said. I knew my time wasn’t up! Instead, I took the situation into my own hands. I took the natural approach, and 3 months later I was cancer free, and still am to this day.

The Forgotten Secret

In my journey I have discovered what I call “The Forgotten Secrets” of cancer. I used these simple, and natural protocols to heal my ‘terminal’ cancer in just 3 months. Through research and experimentation, I noticed something interesting and very exciting. These forgotten secrets work not only for cancer, but all other health problems as well!

I realised I had accomplished something really special, and that it was something the rest of the world should know about. So I decided to write the book “From Cancer to Wellness: the forgotten secrets”. It contains all the protocols I used to cure my cancer naturally, including nutrition, exercise, positive thoughts and absolutely delicious cancer fighting recipes.

Cancer to Wellness, now an eBook!

To celebrate the success of the book, I decided to launch an eBook version.
I am so excited about this as I can now reach more people from all over the world!
Alright, so now I want to share with you what’s in this book.

In this life changing book, you will discover:


  • What can cause cancer in our bodies
  • The real effects of sugar on our body
  • What caffeine and alcohol do to our bodies
  • The truth about good fats and bad fats
  • Acid and Alkaline foods, including a pH chart
  • All about protein and its role in healing
  • Why water is so important
  • Why organic is necessary to healing disease
  • Digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Candida and the parasite connection (plus how to get rid of it!)
  • How to make food your medicine
  • My protocols to curing cancer
  • The role of exercise in preventing disease
  • Lifestyle guidelines

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