tips real estate agents advertise. Learn how to get more clients, sell more homes, and earn more commissions. Listen to agents who are closing up to 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and even 1,000 homes per year. It’s all in the…
Top Agent Interviews . com
Interview of the Month CLUB
Top real estate agents share their success secrets, strategies, and systems in up close and personal interviews.
theory. You need closings and income today! Get real-life solutions to
real-life problems from top real estate agents who are making it happen
everyday. Learn leading-edge, actionable, step-by-step solutions used by
today’s top agents to add closings, revenues, and profits to their
businesses.” - Mike Cerrone
Here’s how it works:
I call up and interview a top agent
over-the-phone. I ask all the tough questions. I want to know HOW they
run their business. Amazingly, they answer my questions. I record the
conversation, edit it, and distribute it to aspiring agents as a
downloadable mp3 file.
Classic Success Formula:
- FIND agents who are doing what you want to do,
- COPY them, and take
Here’s what you get when you join the CLUB:
- Two interviews every month:
- 1 TOP AGENT interview (they close 100-1,000 per year)
- The TOP AGENTS average:
- 441 closings per year
- $63.5 million in volume
- $1.9 million in gross commission income
- 1 RISING AGENT interview (they close 25-100 per year)
- The RISING AGENTS average:
- 49 closings per year
- $9.8 million in volume
- $296 thousand in gross commission income
- Interviews are released on the:
- 7th day of the month and the
- 21st day of the month
- Learn 50% more tips, ideas & advice:
- Typical agent interviews are 1 hour long
- CLUB interviews average 1 and 1/2 hours
- Easy access:
- Listen Online on your computer or smartphone
- MP3 Recording for easy download
- Discount rate:
- 70% Discount off the premium membership price
- Lock-In the monthly membership fee at today’s low rate
- Simple membership:
- Month-to-Month agreement
- Cancel Anytime for any reason
Here’s what members are saying:
“I’ve been busy using the information and tips from the interviews that I listened to. : ) Thank you.” -Lyndee Mayes
“It’s going to take me awhile to soak up all the information. What I have learned already will keep me very busy. Thanks.” - Luke Yaugo
“I have listened to 4 of the interviews. Pretty good stuff.” – Martin Zawarski
“Great site. The duration of the interviews and depth of information shared I found to be extremely helpful. Keep up the good work!” – Daniel Vasquez
“There are so many sites on the Internet claiming to provide information which will help boost Real Estate Agents (Realtors) to success…One thing that stands out to me the most is the personalized response to my queries and feeling that I am actually connected to a ‘real’ person. No ‘Hype’ … just real day to day insight on how to really get ahead. You are on a winner here Mike. I have gained ideas from the interviews I have listened to on your site and I’m sure many more agents will benefit from your interviews. Thank you.” – Geri Welsford
“Wow! It was like she was sitting in my living room telling me exactly how she did it as though I was her family.” – Vicki Gonzales
“I loved it, wow that guy is amazing…… I really cannot believe he did all that at such a young age. Nice interview and thanks, I received alot of information.” – Jennifer Napier
“Excellent, great ideas that I can implement right away. Great interviews. Very valuable. Thanks for this service.” - Antonio Atoche
“LOVE THE PRODUCT! I have already used some of the things from the agents.” – Rico Glover
“The interviews have been so VERY helpful. I am just amazed at the level of details provided. Thanks again for sharing!” - Monica Williams
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