Sunday, April 1, 2012

physical appearance exercises

Physical appearance exercises. How does the REPETITIVE SEVEN DAY PROGRAM Work?

1. You will be assigned a trainer who will be actively involved with you 24 hours a day to ensure you are consistently getting the daily workouts done

2. You will have access to a live nutritionist who will analyze your daily foods to ensure you are eating the rights foods to maximize results.

3. You will receive weekly workout reminders to strengthen your dedication and motivation

4. The very first month you will begin your 30-Day Online Boot Camp with myself which consists of workouts no longer than 7-mintues per day! Working out for hours is not essential anymore.

Want Proof You Can Change Your Body Following The Repetitive Seven Day Program? This is my Before and After- My classmates still cant believe it LOL:

What should you expect after going through the program? 
  • Your eating habits will change to support your new healthy lifestyle
  • For the first time you wil be self Motivated to workout
  • You will not Procrastinate and you will be more Consistent
  • For the first time ever you will enjoy getting in shape and the process it takes to get there!
  • Consistent Weight Loss and muscle toning from the comfort of your home!

The Repetitive Seven Day Program is for:
  • Workaholics
  • Travelers
  • At-Home Moms
  • Seniors
  • Busy Parents
  • Students
  • People who do not enjoy visiting the gym
  • People with Weight Loss issues
  • Looking to get a Six-Pack for the first Time

I Say about this ...

Yo dude love these vids been doing this for 2 weeks and seeing results but mostly on my dominant arm which is my right arm but not my left arm. my right arm is stronger then the left and the bicep its self is bigger. ive been doing the same workout with both arms just like in the video, but my left arm still feels weaker.Any tips. also will i be able to life more heavier weights during the proccess of this workout, like after a month. by the way im 16 years old. do u have any tips.

After watching these videos I was motivated and enthusiastic about working out again. I have been off the wagon for a couple years now but you helped fire my interest and passion for it up again. Thank you very much!

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