How Meditation Can Change Your Life…
I used to think that meditation was all about weird cross legged positions and a smoky incense room filled with candles. That was until I found out that many doctor’s recommend it to their patients for all the health benefits.
I have done much research about meditation and let me tell you that what I found was very surprising.
- It’s not about sitting cross legged on the floor for hours at a time…
- It’s not about candles or incense…
- It’s not against your religion (yes even for Christians)…
Simply speaking the only thing you really have to do is… to “do” nothing at all. That’s your “goal”.
“The Wonderful Health Benefits Of Meditation”
Meditation has a lot of health benefits. Check out this massive list quoted from
- It lowers oxygen consumption.
- It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
- Reduces viruses and emotional distress.
- Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
- Leads to a deeper level of relaxation. Builds self-confidence.
- Good for people with high blood pressure as it brings it down to normal levels.
- Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
- Decreases muscle tension (any pain due to tension) and headaches.
- It increases serotonin production which influences mood and behavior.
- It decreases respiratory rate.
- Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients.
- Helps in post-operative healing.
- Reduces Pre- menstrual Syndrome.
“But It’s Not Only The Health Benefits…..Read On”
With practice, time, and without effort, you’ll start to discover the ‘hidden’ power within you, within your mind like increased attention, better focusing, improved concentration and more perception. Your stress will progressively vanish, and directed productive action will guide your life. You will achieve a calm, serene and happy state.
Many natural skills are currently hibernating within you, skills that have been erased from your conscious memory because of the overexposure to outside stimuli, like TV, negative job stress, financial problems, relationship disharmony… you know… “Modern” life problems. Meditation can help…
Perhaps You Are Having Trouble Getting Started?
Have you…read some articles about meditation online, bought a book about meditation, watched a DVD about how to meditate…But you still can’t stop THINKING!
Are you have trouble switching off your mind for even 5 minutes!
Don’t worry you are not alone… Thousands of people just like you have this problem everyday…
“Let Me Share With You A Scientific Secret…”
What if I could tell you that in about 5 minutes science can actually help you to…
- Meditate Easier
- Meditate Longer
- Meditate Deeper
Now I don’t want to get all ‘geeky’ here and have you drooling on your keyboard in 2 minutes but I feel I do need to share with you how these amazing audio really work. Here’s your first lesson….
Dominant Frequencies Control Your Life
Everything you do has a dominant frequency associated. When you are in a state of relaxation your brain waves have a certain frequency. When you are alert and driven they have a totally different frequency.
Check out the different frequencies and the result usually associated with it.
Now when you are trying to meditate and you just can’t stop your mind from racing, you can’t stop moving, you can’t stop thinking. Guess which frequency range your brain waves are in?
That’s right they are in the Beta or Gamma range, a high state so that you can think, move work. To experience a true meditative state you need to lower your brain waves so that you are in the Alpha, Theta or even the Delta ranges.
Meditation does this naturally… but there are times when we need help.
That is why I created a complete set of meditation audios designed to lower your brainwaves safely and naturally in order to experience the best meditation state possible. The meditative, relaxed but fully aware mind state will stay with you all the time, without those previous limitations you’ve been suffering in your life before you started this course.
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