Wednesday, April 4, 2012

lose weight and burn calories fast

lose weight and burn calories fast.

Are you one of the following?

pointI just had my baby and I want to lose the weight I gained
pointI've tried almost every diet supplement on the market. None has worked for me
pointDiet and proper exercise isn't working for me
pointI needs to lose weight for an up coming event
pointI'm sick of looking 'fat' and out of shape
pointMy health conditions keep on getting worst, I need to lose weight improve my health
pointI just need to lose weight etc...

To: All anyone who feel frustrated about being fat… who want to get rid of those lose weight…and avoid unnecessary risks using diet pills and treatments that can harm your body.

I'm sure that many of you have struggled for years trying to loss weight, burn fat, stay in shape and at every attempt ultimately failed in doing so. I can tell you from personal experience that losing weight has been one of, if not the biggest challenge in my life.

If your like the countless amount of people whom spent hundred to thousands of dollars trying to find the right weight loss solution. Going to the pharmacy almost every week trying to find a new 'magic' supplement because the one purchased already didn't work, seeing no results within a week then countinuesly visiting back to the store trying to find a new diet pill... And at the end of your struggles, you still didn't find the best diet supplement on the market that worked. Wasting hours and hundred in dollars. Then its time that all stop.

If you tried Sticking to a very strict diet trying to apply those strategies to your daily routines finding out it was painfully tough to stick to, because many foods on the diet you didn't like to eat. You felt like applying a coventional diet you just couldn't keep sanity, felt like you was going crazy trying to stick to a strict diet only intaking low crab foods. Ultimately failed due food temptations leading to eating the regular stuff. The reality is these diet always failed studies show that poeple gain more weight than anything else from low carb diets.

Mental reason that's hindering you to lose weight 4 reason why...

#1 Incorrect information:

The main problem why you can't lose weight is because you have been told the wrong ways to lose weight since you first started! 

This is just like a teacher teaching the students incorrect answers for an up coming examination. No matter how much the students remembers all the answers, him/her is going to fail.
That's the same thing when it comes to losing weight you have been given incorrect information from the very start. What you have been told to lose weight by following conventional methods such as you must go to the gym, eat 'healthy' foods, take the newest weight loss supplement, eat less calories. etc...

2# Lack of motivation:

This is one of the many reason why people just don't lose weight. They need that special someone or something in life to motivate them to lose weight.

Many of us lack the inspiration to lose weight. Its true... You have the desire to lose weight but, you need something to ignite the desire to push you to actually taking effort into what you want to archive.

#3 Stress and life problems: 

Life is a good. But, there cames many problems in life that leaves us emotional, upset, sad, angry, frustrated.
We face so, many problems day in and day out, it just seems we can't get out of problems! We have stress from going to work being pushed around from bosses, relationship problem from our spouse, being sick, worrying about paying those bills. We're just caught up into too many things, its nearly impossible to truly enjoy our lives.

 # 4 I don't want to give up my favorite foods: 

Next problem many of us do not, I repeat DO NOT want to stop eating our favorite foods like sweet tasty ice cream, pepperoni topping pizza, crispy French fries etc...

We eat these food not because we want to make ourselves fat but, we eat these food because of comfort and ease emotional problems in life to regulate stress.

What makes FTST different from the rest?

FTST is different because it is tried and tested each and every weight loss methods covered in the series, took hundreds to thousands of dollar out my pocket interviewing top medical doctors and physician, Thousands of hours were taken to properly research from medical texted taught to doctors. After all the time it took finally came to a conclusion and that's how Fat to slim transformation was created. This is a simple manual put together easy to follow and implement into life.

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