Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How to create subdomains on automatically?

How to create subdomains on automatically. LazyBlogCreator used for create massive subdomains on automatically, you should have your own account. For creating massive blogs, it's better for you to have separate those blogs to several accounts.


Support Multiple Accounts

LazyBlogCreator can be used for multiple accounts, this options might useful if you have more than one account or if you want to separated your blogs into different accounts.


Check Availability SubDomains

You can check availablity of subdomains you want to used in blog URL, this software making checking process easier. LazyBlogCreator can determine whether the blog URL is available or not for you. Also, there are options to add dash or Hypens [ - ], a to z letters, and numbers.


Template Settings

LazyBlogCreator allows you to edit template from file template which is available in the folder template of LazyBlogCreator folder. You also can choose whether you want the software take the available templates randomly or just select one template of your choice that will used on all blogs you created through this software.


Reports Ready

Report should contain your url blogs that have been created by LazyBlogCreator.


Proxy Used Support

LazyBlogCreator supports the using of proxy. You might find free proxy list through search engines or buy it on IP proxy provider. This options created to prevent spam detection and IP banned by as provider subdomains of

LazyBloggerPoster is a desktop application to automatically posting amazon product review to your blogspot. It's very easy to use. Following are LazyBloggerPoster features that will save your time and money.


Multiple Blogs Support

We have built this software to publish the amazon product reviews to massive blogspot. Even your blogs on different account. You can input 300 blogspot URLs list at once, so every article process update will be automatically done by LazyBloggerPoster.


Scheduled Posts

LazyBloggerPoster have a schedule posts options based on time setting you wanted. Also there is a repeat posting task which can be setting the number you want to repeat the posting process.


Custom Your Own Post

Unique content always makes your blogs to be loved by search engines. We provide rewrite option to use spinner text services from You can choose Product Description, Product Reviews, Editorial Reviews, or Customer Reviews to be rewrited. And more . . .

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