Monday, April 9, 2012

buy professional video editing software

buy professional video editing software. You’ve probably been hearing about how you need to be using online video to grow your business. There are some very good reasons why everyone’s talking about this.

I started to see just how much video can grow your business about three years ago, when I lost my job.
I had been working in the video production business, but I’d always been a Producer who hired other people to do the actual work of making the videos. 

I didn’t even know how to turn on a camera! But after I lost my job, I started to see that I was going to need to create a job for myself, since there weren’t many jobs to go around as the Great Recession hit full force. And I saw that I was going to have to start with lower budget projects where I couldn’t afford to hire a crew. So I would have to become an expert at doing it all myself in a hurry.

My first few video shoots, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

Talk about pressure!

I had to create a quality video product all by myself with no backup from the crews I used to work with.
But, lucky me, I had recently gotten married to a rock star video guy who runs his own video production company. He said, “I do this by myself all this time! You can totally do this.” 

So he came with me on the first few shoots to help me learn how to use the camera, how to use the lights, and how to pull the whole thing off as a “one woman show.” (Thanks, honey. I couldn’t have done this without you!) He showed me what equipment to buy and helped me get outfitted to do it all myself. He taught me all the technical tricks pros use to make their videos look and sound awesome.

And I even started getting on camera myself to film my new “I Minute Video Marketing Tip of the Month.” I started to learn some tricks myself about how to give a great natural performance and conquer that fear we all feel about being on camera.

Those are hard numbers to ignore.

You may be asking yourself, but why is video so effective for marketing?
Let’s take it down to a personal level.

Top 5 Reasons why online video works
to grow your business

1. Video helps you make a personal connection.

  • Video is the next best thing to meeting someone in person.
  • People like to do business with people they know, like and trust.
  • Video helps you become that person your prospective clients know, like and trust, faster and easier.
  • The kind of personal connection video creates is especially important for service providers, since what you’re really selling is yourself.
And if you’re afraid to be on camera, don’t worry, they’re gonna love you!
And remember, “Everything you want is right outside your comfort zone.” It’s worth it, and you can do it.

2. Video accelerates the sales process.

  • In a traditional sales process, your prospective client has to find you, then meet you in person, then you close the sale, and then you get to do business with them.
  • What if you could take out several steps in that process.
  • How much time and effort would that save you?
  • With online video, your prospective clients can find you online because they’re already searching for you there.
  • They can “meet” you online, and after they watch your video, they’ll feel like they already know you and want to do business with you.
  • People have watched my video online, and then called me up and said, “When can we get started?”
  • It happened for me, and it will happen for you.

3. Online video increases engagement on your website.

  • On websites with video, the average viewer stays for 6 minutes.
  • On websites without video, the average viewer stays for only 57 seconds.
  • That extra 5 minutes of engagement can make all the difference between them picking up the phone to call you, or clicking off your site.

4. Online video increases your search engine rankings.

  • When you post a properly optimized video online, you’re 53 times more likely to appear on Google Page 1 than with just a website.
  • That’s because online video is a rising trend, and not that many people are in the space yet.
  • You might be competing against thousands of other websites for your key search terms, but only a handful of online videos.
Here’s a little test you can do right now.
Type the keywords that you want to be found for into Google.
See if any video comes up.
Google wants to return at least one video result for every search term, so if no video comes up for your keyword phrases, then you’re looking at a wide open space where you could be if you only had a properly optimized video on YouTube.
Also, notice what draws your eye in the Google results.
Where does your eye go?
Of course, it goes to the image, which is a thumbnail from, you guessed it, YouTube.
Your YouTube video could make your content the first thing people want to click on when you appear in search results.
And I saved the best for last…

5. Online video is leverageable.

First, online video leverages your time.
You do the work once, and then it keeps working for you, 24/7, with no ongoing effort from you.
What do you think would happen to your business if you were meeting hundreds of people every week? Your business would explode, because it’s a numbers game.
The more people you meet, the more sales opportunities you have, the more you’ll sell.
But who has time to meet hundreds of people every week?
That’s where online video is your new best friend.
Think what you could do with all the time you’ll save.
You could use that time to work on other areas of your business that you never seem to get to, or to spend more time with your family and friends, or it could even add up to being able to take off and travel and do all the things you always want to do, but can’t, because you’re too busy working in your business.

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