Friday, April 13, 2012

brain training programs adults

brain training programs adults. Brain synchronizing is our inner key to divine, mystical experiences...When this happens, we enter into HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS or "superconsciousness" that gives us a unified perception of our self & of the universe.

In the nineteen fifties, scientists initiated research into brain rhythms, and how they can be influenced by the use of sound.  Research initially centred on Baroque music and how the intricate rhythms of this form of classical music influenced the brain.  However real interest was only stimulated in 1973 when Dr. Gerald Oster, a research scientist at Mt. Sinai Medical Centre in New York, published a research paper in Scientific American.   In this research, he related his work into the use of offset stereo sound harmonics, and how these could be used to enhance certain brain functions.

Mind Enhancement Systems has, over the last 10 years, developed audio programs using this ‘binaural beat’ technology, and combined it with focused guided visualisation.  When you quieten the “logical chatter” going on in your conscious brain, you open up your mind to the creative potential contained within the deeper parts of your mind.  Stilling your thoughts for a while allows you to hand over to your creative ability, and allows the enormous inner potential that we all have access to, to flow in.   This can greatly enhance the quality, understanding and ability to cope with all aspects of your life. 

Thanks to modern technology and the use of stereo sound harmonics we now have a way of taking the brain to precisely the appropriate brain-state required, easily and effectively. 

Subconscious stumbling blocks. Rather like a computer, the mind works on pre-programs and these programs are to a large extent held in subconscious mental images and pictures. Your subconscious mind is responsible for so much of your behaviour; much of what we do is based on deeply imbedded subconscious programming.  Most of them are there for out benefit, ensuring our safety and survival in this world.  They allow routine functions to be performed without conscious thought. 

Consider driving your car.  Remember how complicated it all was when you first learnt to drive?  All those functions you had to coordinate, with all different parts of your body, and all at the same time!?: clutch in, clutch out, select an appropriate gear, steer, accelerate, give the engine the right amount of petrol, find the right pedal to break, indicate, check your rear view mirror, be aware of road signs and still watch out for the other road users! 
Initially driving may have seemed an impossible task, but very quickly the subconscious mind built up a program of responses.  It took over control and coordinated the hundreds of actions required. Ever had the experience of arriving at your destination and wondering just how you got there.  Your subconscious programming drove you there all by itself! 
However, some subconscious programs are built up under negative circumstances, and are based on fear and failure. They prevent us from reaching our potential.  Quite often they prevent us from even attempting something new or challenging, sabotaging our ability!  Our negative programs hold us back from accomplishing our full potential, and sometimes impact negatively on our relationships, our self image and even influence our eating habits. 
Parents, teachers, friends, the media, and life’s experiences all contribute to our subconscious programming.

Brain Training Programs employs the practice of relaxing the mind, slowing down the brain rhythms and stimulating the mind’s ability to create new “software”, new positive mental pictures and images. Brain Training Programs facilitates a process that allows you to connect with the creative potential of your brain and helps you to begin a process of positively changing and upgrading your mental software, the results of which will become quickly evident in your outer reality. 

The subconscious mind runs on visual programs.  The tool of “visualisation” is very effective in reprogramming your subconscious.  Estimates attribute up to 90% of the information stored in our brains is from visual sources.  It is a case of “seeing is believing”, and here it is seeing within your imagination what you want to occur in reality.
 In order to visualise, you need to access more of your “right” brain and “Alpha” brain rhythms..  Your brain has two halves (hemispheres) and it is generally understood that the left hemisphere deals more with logical, language, linear, time-based thinking, and that the right side deals more with non-linear, creative thinking.  Imagination, music and melody, as well as intuition all seem to find a home in the right side of the brain.   In order to access this right side of our brain, we need to learn how to switch off our language-based thinking, and switch into image thinking. 
The practice of quieting the mind and handing over to the potential contained within the subconscious mind used to take many years of dedicated practice to perfect.  Now, by using modern computer-generated stereo harmonics, scientists have found a way of speeding up and greatly enhancing the process.  The Brain Training Programs range of stereo audio programs all contain a unique audio technology that greatly helps you to attain the precise brain states optimal for the particular function desired.


“I recently bought MindSync, Quality Relaxation Time. I have been using this product for only two weeks and have found it to be a valuable de-stressing and relaxation tool.  The voice in the "garden", which calls me back from a tranquil state of mind, to this world, always comes too soon!” - Daniel van Niekerk

I have found your programmes particularly helpful in times of stress and anxiety.  I have found that the QRT programme is particularly helpful when I'm feeling stressed or depressed, & have also been applying it in my sessions with my clients who have
difficulty with anxiety.

The Sleep-Assist programme also functions excellently!  Thank you for a superb programme.  Greetings & God Bless  Farahdiba

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