Thursday, April 5, 2012

become a successful internet marketer

become a successful internet marketer.

If you're frustrated and discouraged by all the "make money online" hype that doesn't work, you must read every word of this letter because this message is for you.

Would you like to join the ranks of ordinary people earning extraordinary income? People that can sleep in if they want. Folks that can take their families on vacation when they want. Ordinary men and women whose friends and neighbors probably wonder how they can afford what seems like an extravagant lifestyle. If that's what you're looking for, I have good news for you, but first I have a question ...

Does this sound like you?

  • Tired of bouncing from one money making scheme to the next with very little to show for it?
  • Suffering from information overload and unable (or unwilling) to move forward with what could be a successful project?
  • Sick of all the self-serving "gurus" that are feeding you misinformation that makes them more money than it makes you?
  • Thinking about giving up, but you really, really need the income that you know is out there? I'm talking about the income that can make the difference between working at an insecure job the rest of your life, or giving yourself and your family the lifestyle, freedom, and financial security you all deserve.
If so, you're not unusual, and I can help. Chances are that some simple steps could get you on the right track. I've seen it before, where the right kind of information at the right time, coupled with focus and some motivation are all it takes to turn things around.

I'm Ready To Join Now!

Actually, my own story might inspire you. In 1989 I opened a retail store in my home town. For a while everything was great, but as the years went by, competition and the economy, among other things, drove me to the Internet to survive. At first, selling on eBay was enough, but that became competitive as well. Then I started dabbling in Internet marketing.

Long story short, I tried everything, and after 3 painful years, it started to click. But you don't want to invest 3 years of your life, do you? That's one reason I wrote a book, and one thing led to another, until something became obvious, but first I want to share something with you ...

I like to tell the story about Roger Bannister. Roger was the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes, a feat previously thought humanly impossible by scientists of his time. Bannister ignored the "experts", conditioned himself not only physically but mentally, and on May 6, 1954, he ran a race in 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds. After he did that, many more runners were able to break through the previous "impossible" barrier and run sub-4 minute miles themselves. Today it's fairly commonplace.

What became obvious to me after a while was that barriers to achieving "personal bests", whether they are physical or financial goals, are often more mental barriers than anything else. I recall my own experience, for example, when I first made $100 profit in a day from my IM efforts, I broke down emotionally when I tried to explain to my wife the significance of that day. That was after over 3 years of toil, but once I reached that level, it became common.

The same thing happened when I hit $200 in a day. Then $500. Then $1000. And at that point I knew I had to share some things with people. You see, making $100 a day wasn't anything special to most people, but $1000, now that's a number that's elusive enough to be special, but still reasonable and attainable.
Something virtually anyone, with enough motivation, enough skills, enough of the right kind of friends, enough determination, could and should be able to attain if they really wanted to.

Bottom Line What is In It For You?

Let's get down to basics. What's in it for you? Specifically here's what you can expect, once you join the insider's club known as Earn1KaDay:

First, you get access to several other membership sites. One of the primary benefits of belonging to Earn1KaDay is an incredible wealth of accumulated knowledge. As the months have gone by, I've added access to other sites that I either purchased, put together, or belong to with the rights of giving you access. Currently those sites include:

Learn One Thing A Day, our newest site, where you learn one new Internet marketing related lesson each day, 365 days a year, on a topic designed to improve your income at the same time it improves your skills.

Instant Cash Generators, which you have free and full access to, provides tons of powerful, profitable ideas. You get 3 to 5 new ideas a week and hundreds of people pay $9.95/month for the exact same access you'll be getting for free.

Super Simple Marketing, a series of reports that will simplify the Internet marketing business, giving you clear and concise information to help you get started quickly.

VRE Coaching Course. This structured e-Course is alone worth hundreds of dollars. Created by members Steven Resell and Gregg Gillies, these are the methods they personally use on a daily basis to make a small fortune online. The course consists of reports, audios, and videos, nothing is held back. Though this course is available to the public, only at do you have an opportunity to personally interact with the instructors through the forum or through private messaging.

Max Rylski's Graphics Club Monthly. I belong to this site, which costs $77/month, and delivers new graphics products on a monthly basis. I have the rights to provide these products to my members, so you get the benefit.

Ginny Culp's PLR Audios. This is another site I belong to, paying for monthly access to new unique, royalty free audio tracks and sound bites, that you can use on your web sites. I'm paying, so that you don't need to.

And that's just the external sites you get the benefit from, I haven't even started talking about what we give you that nobody else has...

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